The CompTIA CertMaster Practice test for A+ 220-1102 will help you prepare for your exam with adaptive questions-first design, the practice test will assess your current knowledge and what you still need to learn. CertMaster Practice also has a timed practice test with performance-based questions to test what you have learned.
Topics Covered in CertMaster A+ Practice Test
Module 1: Operating Systems
Module 2: Security
Module 3: Software Troubleshooting
Module 4: Operational Procedures
eLearning Delivery Information
- The key is sent to your email within 15-30 minutes during normal business hours. If after business hours we will process your order the next day. Click here for business hours.
- You will receive two emails from Get Certified 4 Less
- The first email is the confirmation email.
- The second email is the CertMaster Key.
- Check your JUNK, SPAM and PROMOTIONAL folder if you do not receive voucher email (You may also search your order number in your email box. This may help locate the voucher)
- CompTIA CertMaster keys are non-refundable.