Server+ SK0-005 Test Voucher - Euro Countries

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This voucher is valid for CompTIA Server+ Euro exam SK0-005.

Voucher Code is Full Payment for the exam.

Depending on stock availability it may take two business days to receive stock and fill order.

This voucher is valid in the following countries only:
Åland Islands, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, Tunisia

Server+ Pearson VUE EURO is valid only valid in Euro Countries
This voucher is valid for the following exam:
  • SK0-005

With the purchase of this voucher you will also receive:

CompTIA Server+ exam objectives 

This voucher can be used at any Pearson VUE test center throughout Euro countries.

Please note there is no VAT to pay when scheduling exam with voucher in Euro Countries. Voucher is full proof of payment including VAT.