Information Technology Specialist- JavaScript Exam Voucher
Candidates taking this exam will need to showcase their ability to identify, create, and troubleshoot JavaScript code that can effectively resolve a given issue.
Our exam voucher is purchased directly from Pearson VUE after you place your order. Please allow up to an hour for the voucher to be in stock and fulfill the order. We do not keep this voucher in-stock due to the demand for this new product. You will receive a voucher valid for 12 months.
Voucher Delivery Information
- Purchase your voucher from GetCertified4Less.
- Receive your voucher code via email. (Sent during business hours only)
- Check your JUNK, SPAM and PROMOTIONAL folder if you do not receive voucher email.
- Visit the Pearson VUE website to schedule your exam.
- Show up on exam day prepared to succeed!
- IT Specialist discount exam Vouchers are non-refundable.