IT Specialist Exam Voucher - Network Security

IT Specialist
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Information Technology Specialist- Network Security Exam Voucher

The Network Security exam evaluates candidates on their fundamental knowledge and skills in security. The exam tests the candidate's grasp of core security principles, including operating system security, network and device security, and secure computing practices.

Our exam voucher is purchased directly from Pearson VUE after you place your order. Please allow up to an hour for the voucher to be in stock and fulfill the order. We do not keep this voucher in-stock due to the demand for this new product. You will receive a voucher valid for 12 months. 

Voucher Delivery Information

  • All vouchers are valid for online testing or onsite Pearson VUE testing
  • Voucher is sent to your email within 15-30 minutes during normal business hours. If after business hours we will process your order the next day. Click here for business hours.
  • You will receive two emails from Get Certified 4 Less
    • The first email is the confirmation email
    • The second email is your voucher and expiration date
  • Check your JUNK, SPAM and PROMOTIONAL folder if you do not receive voucher email (You may also search your order number in your email box. This may help locate the voucher)
  • IT Specialist discount exam Vouchers are non-refundable. For more information click here for a return policy.
  • Certification exam retirement dates supersede voucher expiration dates. CompTIA may retire certifications and corresponding exams prior to voucher expiration dates.